Armchair Golf Pro: Wilson’s Hero Shot at Sony Open

2 Responses

  1. Jim Merwin says:

    I have never thought of a shot I did not try to make as a “Hero shot” but from now on I will. I will try to pass up unrealistic shots where failure brings big numbers into play and opt instead for the safer shot in hopes I can hit my approach shot close enough to save a decent score, perhaps even a “Pro Par.”

    I love the Five Keys to Distance. In fact, I sat down to read it a few weeks ago at 11:00 PM and did not put it down until I finished at 2:30 AM and then I was so jacked up, I had trouble getting to sleep. I am confident your insights and methods will restore the distance to my game that mysteriously disappeared about 18 months ago and which has driven me to try every golf tip I could find — all to no avail. Thank you!

    I have another question about the downswing. I do not see in The Five Keys to Distance where you mention the role of the head or the shoulders during the downswing. I assume the head remains still and roughly over your right knee while your shoulders remain “back to the target” until your club is approaching contact. Right?

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Jim,
      Glad you liked the post on avoiding the “hero” shot when the odds are stacked against you. If you make a mistake, don’t compound it with another mistake. That is what leads to doubles and triples. Save the hero shot for when the odds are stacked in your favor.
      As for your question regarding the head and shoulders on the downswing, my feeling is that the down swing starts from the ground up. The legs and hips should carry the shoulders around through impact to the finish. If you focus too much on your shoulders you’ll forget your legs, and if they don’t move you’ll wind up with an “over-the-top” swing. A quick note on head position: When I am hitting driver my head goes back about two inches. Every other club is slightly less until I get to my sand wedge, where my head doesn’t move at all. Physiologically your head has to move back with the driver in order to get the weight shift you need for the power and speed you want. But with a sand wedge it is not about power – just accuracy. Thanks for the question!