News: Blog Tag Line Contest Winner!!!
We have a winner!
Thanks to all of you who participated in our Blog Tag Line contest. The goal was to come up with a tag line – a phrase underneath the banner header image – that helped to explain what the site was all about. When you visit a website the header and tag line are among the first things you see, and I wanted to convey to readers a simple message that lets them know they are in the right spot.
We had over 700 entries for the tag line contest. They were awesome. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your input and creativity. It was very cool reading through each and every one of them. Maureen and I had to think long and hard about the few that made it to the top of our list.
In the end it came down to what YOU want.
When students come to me for lessons, no matter what the goals are for the session it always seems to boil down to just a couple of things: They want to be more consistent, and they want to play with confidence.
It makes the game enjoyable. It usually makes for better scores.
And that’s the goal of the website.
I want you to feel at home when you are on my site, and I think the new tag line will really reinforce the idea of finding compelling and practical resources to help with the things you want most.
My thanks again to all of you who participated. Special thanks to our contest winner Kevin Powers of Northern California for submitting the winning entry. Our final tag line is slightly different than Kevin’s original suggestion, but we really felt he nailed what it is most golfers are looking for and gave us the core of the tag line.
I’ll be sending Kevin a flip camera, and I’ve asked him to video his swing and send it to me so that we could work together to help him play consistent, confident golf.
Thanks again!
Congratulations to Kevin Powers. Great tag line!