5 Keys To Distance Info

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[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”32″ color=”870000″ textshadow=”0″ alignment=”center” weight=”normal” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]HERE’S WHAT THEY DON’T TELL YOU ON GOLF CHANNEL OR IN THE GOLF MAGAZINES:[/font]

[font family=”Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif” size=”32″ color=”870000″ textshadow=”0″ alignment=”center” weight=”bold” style=”normal” lineheight=”110″]ALL FIVE KEY SWING CONCEPTS THAT WORK TOGETHER TO PRODUCE MAXIMUM DISTANCE.[/font]



HALF-ANSWERS from golf magazines and TV that drive you crazy with frustration

TIPS that work for a week and then fizzle, leaving you lost

GIMMICKS you never should have tried in the first place

… “METHOD” approaches that are confusing and get in the way of your natural abilities

All you need to know are the 5 keys to distance and how to integrate them into your swing.

Here’s the training program that will answer your questions and show you exactly what to do.

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    • Comprehensive Video Training: A DVD packed with 18 separate videos. Even more training videos online. You’ll see in-depth descriptions for each of the five key swing concepts, and you’ll get step-by-step drills specifically chosen to get you immediate results.

Eric's new book, "The 5 Keys to Distance"

    • Companion Hard-Copy Book “THE 5 KEYS TO DISTANCE”: Detailed breakdown of the five distance concepts that will help you understand your swing like you’ve never understood it before. Hailed by the senior book reviewer for Golf Today Magazine as “One of the BEST books ever written on distance.

Foundation Module

    • Exclusive Online Training Site: For owners of The 5 Keys To Distance only! All the videos, all the downloads, all the bonuses available online whenever you want, organized for easy access.
    • Access to ME!: Post your swing questions on the online training site and I’ll answer! What a fabulous way to extend your knowledge and get the help you need!
    • Bonus Videos: See the list of bonuses below for a description of the fantastic video and download bonuses you get as soon as you join the program.

    • Community Forum: Get feedback, post your results and achievements, read questions posted by other golfers, see my answers, and meet other passionate golfers just like you.
    • Bonus Instruction: New videos are constantly being added to the site. Available exclusively to program owners and available online, any time, at your convenience.
    • Bonus Interviews: Listen to informative and thought-provoking interviews with PGA Tour Players, Equipment Manufacturers, Mental Skills Experts

  • Mobile Videos!: Want to watch the videos on your iPad or iPhone? Take them with you to the range and get the most out of them! You can download the videos right from the online training site.
  • Follow-Up Emails: I’ll send you a series of personal emails to guide you through the course and keep you on track.
  • My Guarantee: I’m so confident that The 5 Keys To Distance will improve your distance, your golf swing, and your golf game that you have my personal guarantee.


[features_box_yellow width=”92%” + border=”2px”]a letter from Eric Jones …

Dear Golfer,

I understand your frustration.

You just want to know how to hit the ball farther.

And you want to know the answer in the simplest, most straight-forward way possible.

You know you can do it, because you’ve hit great drives before. You know it’s inside you. Somewhere. You’ve seen it. You’ve done it. But you just don’t know why on that particular day, on that particular hole and on that particular shot everything lined up to create a perfect drive.

What you do know is that if you could just figure out how you hit that perfect drive you could do it more often, with more confidence, more consistently.

And your entire golf game would change.

If only you knew what was happening in your golf swing when those great drives came out …


Imagine this: You’ve just qualified for the World Long Drive Championships and you have 6 weeks to train your swing for maximum distance. If you don’t figure out how to hit the ball farther – quickly – you’re going to get trounced.

So you go to the golf magazines looking for swing training programs. But all you find is a hodge-podge of tips and tricks – most of which are conflicting and definitely not training programs. Then you scour the book stores, only to find a bunch of ego-padding biographies and broad-brush instruction written by guys who can’t even hit it past their own shadow. They’re no help. Then you search online to find a training program, only to discover that most of the so-called “distance programs” aren’t even written by golfers, let alone PGA professionals with any kind of training!

I can tell you this …


I couldn’t believe there wasn’t a training program out there specifically focused on distance. I mean, come on! Distance is the holy grail. Nirvana. We all want to hit the ball farther. We all want a golf swing that sends a rocket down the center of the fairway. It makes the holes shorter, it makes our scores better, and it makes being on the golf course a lot more fun.

There are a zillion tips on distance. Sure. But I didn’t have time to mess around with tips. I wanted solutions. I needed something that worked. And I needed it yesterday.

So I did the same thing you’ve probably done: I set out to figure it out on my own.

But there’s one thing you should know about me …


When I set out to learn something I learn ALL of it. I tried EVERYTHING, and in the beginning I FAILED a lot.

But I kept testing.

I worked with specialists in biomechanics, kinesiology, and motor skills to refine my golf swing. I worked with sport psychologists and learning process experts to develop effective practice routines, drills, and strategies. I measured club face angles, swing path, center contact, club head speed and ball speed on sophisticated launch monitors. I hit a lot of golf balls and tracked a lot of shots.

The result?

In six weeks I increased my swing speed from 118 mph to 140 mph and drove a golf ball 381 yards.

and … well … you saw it in the video. Despite going up against competitors who were bigger, stronger, and more experienced I won the World Long Drive Championship – the very first time I competed!

That was a victory I chalk up to technique: Technique learned the hard way, but battle-tested in the most extreme conditions.

Now I would like to share these distance techniques with you.

I want to show you the exact same techniques that helped me become a world champion and remain one of the top long drivers over the past 9 years. Because here’s what I believe:


YOU know you can hit the golf ball farther.

I know you can hit it farther too.

And here’s why I know I can help you get that distance:

Through all the testing and experimenting and measuring I learned …


Here they are:

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  • ARC


After teaching thousands of golf lessons my observation is that every amateur golfer would benefit by mastering these fundamental concepts.

That means every one of those golfers could improve their distance.

And that includes you.

Here’s why …


I teach these concepts day-in and day-out to students of all abilities – from beginners to world-class long drivers. I’ve become so good at teaching these fundamentals – and they work so well for my students – that I’ve systematized the entire process.

I’ve finally created the distance training program that I wanted when I began my search.

Now I have golfers flying in from all over the country to take private lessons from me. To learn the system and these five fundamental swing concepts. To get the distance they know has been bottled up inside them. And I’ve watched as their game has transformed.

Because I’m going to let you in on another little secret about me:

I’ve dedicated myself to finding and teaching the most efficient and effective ways for you to play the golf of your dreams.

I’m absolutely passionate about helping golfers. As a PGA Professional and Master Teacher with a degree in Sport Psychology I don’t want your game to get a little bit better. I want it to get a LOT better. A WHOLE LOT better.

And I have a road map that will show you exactly how to do it.

Here’s my promise to you: If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, I’m willing to do everything in my power to help you succeed. Because …


Starting with one of the most important shots in golf: YOUR DRIVE

I’m going to teach you the only 5 keys you’ll ever need to know to add 20 to 50 yards to your drives.

And I’m going to show you in the simplest, easiest way you’ve ever seen.


Invest in yourself and invest in your game. Order your copy of “THE 5 KEYS TO DISTANCE” today. I’ll be there with you every step of the way, and together we’ll take your game to a whole new level.

See you down the fairway!

Eric Jones, MA, PGA
World Long Drive Champion

PS – Check out the video testimonials below to see the remarkable success achieved by golfers just like you.


See how the program helped Ken from Salt Lake City

Pete from Arizona says …

Patty’s game has taken a big step forward

Mike’s 300-yard drives

This is by far the best distance training program on the planet. There’s no other program as comprehensive or as effective.

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to SAVE!

Normally this Program is $97.00. But if you act now you’ll get it for just $67.00 and save $30.00 bucks. This is a limited time offer. Your game shouldn’t wait!

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More Success Stories …


One of my favorite success stories of all time …

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Tom B. & Matt B.

“Dear Eric — I’ve played golf for 35 years and have always been a good golfer, but never real long (drives @ 245 yard avg. — 260 if I really connected). I followed your program and did all the drills. I did it all without hitting balls for about 3 weeks. The first time I went out to play, I used the white tees like I normally used to. First hole is a short par 5 (only 485 from the white). I had 155 left on my second shot! One the ninth hole, a little downwind, I hit a really nice high baby fade off the tee. We couldn’t see where it went because it traveled so far. As we were going down the fairway the course marshal came driving up to us and said with a grin, “Okay, who’s the hot-shot driving the green?” It was a 335 yard par 4, and I was on the back of the green! Since then I play from the blue tees. I’ve actually toned it down a bit. I now know I can pull out the 300+ drive if I need it, but usually I prefer a more controlled drive and now average about 280 off the tee. I’m hitting it longer at age 48 than I did in college (played in college at Northwestern), and my handicap is down to the low singles for the first time in years.

Matt B.

Here’s the really fun part. I have a 9 year old son who just got into golf last year. I had him do the drills together with me and this summer he cleaned up in the local junior golf program. He won his first tournament by so much they moved him up to the 10 year old division. He was intimidated at first, but once he got his confidence, he won his last two tournaments and then won the Tournament of Champions – the only 9 year old in the division. He was all grins. Last year he couldn’t carry a driver more than 70-80 yards. Now he hits it 160-170 on the fly. He was still the short hitter in the 10 year old group, but at least he could keep up with them! So I’d like to thank you. I haven’t messed around with my golf swing too much over the years, but I have had to adjust a few things due to lower back problems and arthritis in the neck. The best thing your teaching did was gave me permission to turn my body and not try to do the X factor thing. That was the key for me. I haven’t had a sore back after playing golf all this summer and I’m hitting it farther. Both good things.” – Tom B. (and son Matt)[/content_box_green]

[content_box_paper_white width=”90%”]“I drove my ball 210 yards, one of my best, and still couldn’t get it past the sand trap. Rats! I said to the other three in my group — It looks like I’m getting too old to play this game. Maybe I should use the tee-box designed for old guys or just give it up. Earlier this year I was in South Carolina visiting my sister-in-law, who lives on a golf course, when I made that comment. That evening by accident I viewed Eric Jones impressive advertisement on my computer and contacted him. He sent me his course over the web; because after viewing his advertisement I made a decision to be serious, no excuses — my immediate goal was to connect with a 250 yard drive. Since the driving range was only a mile from our home I had new incentive to immediately use the tools and bring my dream to fruition.Eric’s course is broken up into 16 easy-to-follow sequential hassle free drills. His extraordinary/exceptional book is easy to understand filled with lasting solutions. After 1 month of building new habits on a daily basis I am now able to drive the ball 250 to 260 yards down the middle of the fairway. I’ve learned with continuous improvement that I can and will do better. My new goal is 280 yards!” – Barry A.[/content_box_paper_white]

Every Part of Your Game Will Improve

[content_box_paper_white width=”90%”]”I watched the intro to ‘The 5 Keys to Distance’ and read the first 40 pages. Worked on the Happy Toes and Tight Ankles drills a little bit as well as your balance concepts. Just for grins I tried putting from the athletic position and WOW! What a difference that makes. The difference in feel was immediate. The putter swing feels like it’s isolated from the rest of the body. Certainly an unexpected, albeit pleasant, surprise! Thanks!…” – Frosty R.[/content_box_paper_white]

[content_box_green width=”90%”]”Eric – All joking aside, you could drop me from your mailing list and I couldn’t complain about any aspect of your product. If my memory serves me correctly you advertised a 20 yard distance gain minimally from the purchase of your system (video), and of course, doing the outlined drills, etc. I must admit I did not thoroughly read the book, nor did I watch every aspect of the video. In keeping with my lifelong ritual of never doing anything completely, I can’t say exactly how much farther I hitting the ball. What I do want to say is that I have conservatively gained 30 to 40 yards in distance. I played in a tournament last Tuesday and drove over the green on one par 4, on another that is 270 slightly uphill, I drove the ball 10 feet behind the cup and made the putt for eagle. On my home course I’m hitting the ball consistently past where my longest shots were and I’ve added distance in my irons (I’m working on that now). We have a 225 yard, par four because the green is elevated sharply about 25 feet, I’ve been hitting 3 irons on it. All I can say is thanks for rekindling my old flame, distance. Here’s a couple of tidbits of information on me. I’ve had rotator cuff surgery on both shoulders, a three disc fusion (C5, C6 & C7) with two other discs still herniated and I’m 65 years old. I started back playing last Summer after 7 years without playing. My lack of distance prompted me to purchase your video, because frankly, I wasn’t having much fun. Your book has brought back the fun, now if I could just get off the course long enough to read the whole thing :-). Regards and my thanks” – Larry T.[/content_box_green]

The Sooner You Get Started
The Sooner Your Game Will Improve

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Golfer Gabriel M

Gabriel M

“My name is Gabriel and I’m a high school senior who had always struggled to have consistent distance. Some weeks I’d be killing the ball 275 yards with a little draw and I’m only 5’8, 130 pounds. But most weeks I wouldn’t be as consistent and would hit the ball all over the place when I tried to hit it hard resulting in high scores. As a result I decided to focus on hitting the ball straighter even if that meant losing 30 yards off the tee. What resulted was lower scores but there would always be these three or four holes that were longer than most holes where I would make most of my bogeys and I was stuck in the high 70’s for about two years with only two scores under par in those two years. I knew that when I shot under par it was because I was hitting the ball as straight as an arrow and making those key five to ten footers, but I knew I couldn’t keep up this kind of accuracy, that some days I would lip out those putts or not hit is as straight as those days. What I needed was to hit the ball farther to give me a chance to reach the short par 4’s with my sand wedge and the long par 4’s with my six iron instead of my hybrid.I saw one of your free five minute videos, the main lesson being to accelerate ”after” impact. It sounded different than anything I’d ever heard before so I turned off the computer and drove as fast as I could to the golf course to see if I could get in a quick 9 holes with my friends. In the first hole, with absolutely no practice balls, I just tried the ”swoosh” drill before the tee shot and I killed my drive flying a bunker that I had never flown before. That left me with 200 yards left to a par 5 with the pin in the back. I grabbed my hybrid which is my usual 200 yard shot club and I killed it again, over the green. It was the first time I had flown the first green in my home course hitting a hybrid for my second shot. It was insane. I managed to make birdie from there and had to remind myself to take one less club for the rest of my life.The rest of the nine hole round was a breeze, not only did I hit the ball 275 yards like I did when I played well, but I was also hitting it straighter. I made three birdies and two bogeys with one of those bogeys being a three putt due to a punched green. I shot 35 the first of many under par nines this 2011, of that I’m sure. I want to thank you for finally teaching me the real way to get distance and how to effortlessly create lag. May God Bless You.” – Gabriel M.[/content_box_green] [content_box_paper_white width=”90%”]

Golfer Marie D

Marie D.

“Dear Eric, I just got your e-book and practiced several of the exercises demonstrated on your videos the night before I played golf yesterday. I’ve been driving the ball about 190-200 yds previously, but after practicing and focusing on a few of your principles, I was driving the ball 215 yds yesterday, so I’m already happy! So I want to say thank you again. I love the simple straightforward approach of your drills and am looking forward to the results. I’m about a 6 handicap right now and know the extra distance will help me reach scratch!” – Marie D.[/content_box_paper_white] [content_box_green width=”90%”]

Golfer Bob M.

Bob M.

“Hi Eric, in watching your tight ankles drill video I notice you rotate the arms in the backswing and follow-through, opening and then closing the club face. I have been confused about this motion and having the left wrist flat at the top of the backswing. What one feels and sees is often deceptive. When I have the feel of letting the left arms rotate clockwise as you are doing in that drill and letting my wrist lever well at the top with a flat left wrist I feel more leverage in my left hand and arm at impact, a more solid shot and less hook (just a slight draw and a little higher ball flight). It seems to me that I may have had the club face too shut in the backswing in an attempt to get the left wrist fat at the top. Also, I never realized how much posture and balance affects how you take the club back. All these years I have tried, unsuccessfully, to take the club straighter back instead of inside too much. Since I am balanced properly as you describe with the center of mass centered over the balls of my feet, chest out (which raises the head and next automatically) and tuck my hips forward a little (neutral rather than swayback which really firms up the core), it is a piece of cake taking the club straighter back. Eric your thoughts on the swing are so simple and work so well, now I am also saying that I am surprised that more golf instructors don’t pay more attention to posture and balance. Thank you!” – Bob M.[/content_box_green] [features_box_yellow width=”90%” + border=”2px”]

Rick Karbowski PGA Pro

Rick Karbowski PGA Pro

Rick Karbowski

Champions Tour Veteran

(Click arrow to play Rick’s audio)
“Everybody wants to hit the ball farther. With this multi-media program that can be accomplished … I’m 12 to 15 yards longer on every tee shot … Eric is a Re/Max World Long Drive Champion. He knows what works…If you’ve done it, you know what to do. If you haven’t done it, you don’t know what to do. Eric has done it. And he’s a proven teacher in Northern California…The content of the book is VERY GOOD. He’s incorporated sound techniques, the drills are very easy to use, and they make it simple to follow…[My swing] has more freedom through impact. Freedom of movement equals more speed, and more speed equals more distance…It’s not how hard you swing, it’s how FAST you swing…[With this multi-media e-video book] that’s the beautiful part of it. You are swinging within yourself, and the ball is flying farther. What could be better than that?”[/features_box_yellow]


[content_box_green width=”90%”]”Dear Eric — Love the program. The balance drills I’m fairly good at but can get better. The Leverage drills however has made a major league impact already in distance. Arc is something my local pro is after me about so that dovetails nicely with your program. And it helps but I need practice. I’ve always felt that my weight transfer was not what it should be and your program is putting me in the right direction that I’ve been looking for.” – Peter S.[/content_box_green]

[content_box_paper_white width=”90%”]“Eric, I’ve only had my dvd’s just less than a week, and after doing these drills diligently, my swing’s finish finally looks like a finish should. My teaching pro was always after me to “finish the swing.” But I rarely did it correctly. I had a perfect baseball swing growing up, and even later in life playing semi-pro ball, but I couldn’t transfer it to the golf swing. The drill using the old shaft to use as a guide to prevent the right knee from swaying backward cured that tendency of mine in TWO SWINGS! The pro couldn’t get me to stop doing it in ten lessons! Thank you for creating this series, because in a very short order, LESS THAN 1 WEEK, it, and a lot of my work, you have transformed my follow through. I’m older (62) and have to take a day off in between “drill days” so the new segments of under used muscles have a chance to recover, but I look forward to the day when the slight soreness the next day goes away and I can work on them everyday. I really like your teaching style, as well. Once again, thank you for convincing me to purchase your system during your promo videos. I usually do not buy instruction dvd’s but made an exception in your case. I’m damn glad I did! Best Regards,” – Dean B.[/content_box_paper_white]

[divider_bar][/divider_bar] [guarantee_box_1 title=”My 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee”]I stand behind all of my training and products. If for any reason you are not satisfied I provide a FULL MONEY BACK 60-day Guarantee! Just email support@targetcenteredgolf.zendesk.com within the first 60 days and request a refund.



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 Ordering your program today couldn’t be easier. Simply click the “Add to Cart” button and have your Credit Card or PayPal account info handy.

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What can you add to the best distance training program on the planet to make it even better?

How about …


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ORDER TODAY and GET $198.00

Here’s how it works: Order THE 5 KEYS TO DISTANCE today and I’ll include, for FREE:

Dr. Glen Albaugh WBW BookBonus #1 – Exclusive Interview with Dr. Glen Albaugh
My exclusive interview with renowned mental skills expert and guru to the PGA Pros – Dr. Glen Albaugh. In this 5-part video interview Dr. Albaugh will share his top three secret insights that PGA Tour stars like Charlie Wi, Scott McCarron and Kirk Triplett say have made them millions of dollars. You’ll pick up gems that will help your mental toughness, sharpen your focus on the course, and take your game to the next level. Value = $97.00

ScoreTracker spreadsheet image by Eric Jones

Bonus #2 – ScoreTracker Spreadsheet
This simple and easy-to-use Excel-based spreadsheet contains some powerful diagnostic tools that will enable you to track your game and y our stats so you can zero in with laser focus on the most critical parts of your game to devote your practice time and energy. Track 10 rounds on any golf course and the results are automatically summarized for you. Value = $27.00


Bonus #3 – Personal Stimp Meter Putting Video
Have you ever wondered how to gauge the speed of the greens? This video from top PGA Instructor Rick Laforet will show you a simple yet powerful system will have you judging the speed of the greens in no time flat. Best of all – it works perfectly with the stroke you have right now, and requires virtually no practice. End 3-putts and make the short ones with confidence! Value = $27.00

Bonus #4 – Range Discovery Planner
The Range Discovery Planner by PGA Teaching Professional Rick Laforet contains a wealth of insights to help you plan and focus your practice time on the range. Research shows that the quality of your practice will be reflected directly in the quality of your play on the golf course. Make the best use of your practice time and improve your effectiveness by a factor of 10. Value = $47.00


Now that you know there’s a simple but effective training program to get you more distance and a more effective golf swing …
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You can …

1. DO NOTHING and stay frustrated with your game;

– or –

2. TAKE THE FIRST STEP to bring out the extraordinary golfer within you.

I encourage you to invest in your game by investing in The 5 Keys To Distance.


Eric Jones, MA
PGA Professional
World Long Drive Champion


I’m there for you.

If you ever need help or advice all you have to do is ask.

As Dean B said, you’ll be “Damn Glad” you got the program. It’s the best $67.00 you’ll ever put into your game.




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