Journey to the Worlds 2012: Winning the 2012 World Long Drive Championship – it’s about more than the title

20 Responses

  1. Mike Wilhelm says:

    Eric, I’ve followed your progress since we worked together, I believe it was in 2007, at Poppy Ridge when you were working on your Masters degree in Sports Psychology. I still use much of what you taught and it has made a real positive contribution to my enjoyment of the game. Congratualations on your recent success in long drive. It nice to see that practicing what you preach really works.

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Mike – Great to hear from you. I see Ron several times a year when he comes back for a refresher. Thanks for the note! I talk about you guys all the time, and still use info and insights from the study to continue to create more effective programs and approaches to teaching and learning. Come by and see us some time!
      And yes, I did use my own advice a lot to win this championship.

  2. It was great meeting with you and talk about the strategy to win. Approaching practice with a strategy along with your mental game led to your winning results. It’s proof that you’re system works.

  3. Malcolm Black says:

    Congratulations Eric!
    Your win at is the best possible inspiration for us wannabe target-centred golfers to get out there and practice effectively!


    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Thanks Malcolm, appreciate your kind words. Effective practice is a foundation of confidence. I spent four weeks testing equipment and taking myself through my own training program, working on technique. Then, a couple of weeks before the tournament, I switched away from technique practice to simulated competition practice and strategy development. One of the scenarios I practiced was getting down to my last ball and having to hit my best ball to win. Sure enough, that’s what it came down to in this tournament. But since I’d already practiced it many times, my mind was clear and I was able to maintain my focus and be centered in the moment. I trusted my pre-shot routine, and that made all the difference. Thanks again!

  4. Ivan R says:

    Congratulations Eric on winning your 2nd championship! Larry O’Leary is my instructor and you both work together. I just had John Greenwood install a shaft on my driver and and 3 weeks ago he installed a shaft on my 3-wood. I like the way my 3-wood performs. I’m still practicing with my driver to TRUST my swing with it before putting it into competition play. I’ve studied some of your instructions and have incorporated them into my practice sessions. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with all of us. I hope to see you on the P-town range. BTW – I’m still waiting for the 3rd Section of your book – Strategic Golf. I have sections 1 and 2. Again congratulations on winning.

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Ivan,
      Thanks much for your note. Larry is one of the all-time greats, and John Greenwood, as you know, builds all my drivers. I’m glad my posts are helping.
      As for Strategic Golf – I’ll have much more to say next spring. I’m planning on releasing a new training course for scoring clubs, as well as a book on effective practice soon. Stay tuned!

  5. Allan says:

    I’m sure I speak for many when I say we are fortunate to have you.
    Your manner, humility, good sense and knowing ‘the meat’ of what is needed, rather than ‘hype’ is most appreciated.
    Any ‘lone voice’ you feel, is only that there’s a lot listening when you talk 😉

    Cheers Eric!

  6. Allan says:

    Well Done Eric
    I’m delighted at your success – and I’ve no doubt it’s well deserved.
    May you enjoy many more.

    Thanks as ever for the wisdom you share – in every way.

    Very warm wishes

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Allan,
      Thank you for your comment, and for following the posts. Sometimes I feel like a lone voice in the wilderness, so I appreciate hearing back, and knowing that I am being helpful. Cheers!

  7. jim dingman says:

    Jim Dingman:
    Congratulation Champ!
    I have been working on blast for almost a year. I am pleased to say that your input and great coaching have payed off. The last two weeks blast has come together. 80% fairways, reaching par five’s with a wedge for the third shot. Center hits on the club face. Love you for your communication ability. Jim D.

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Jim,
      That’s fantastic news on your progress using the 5 Keys to Distance. Thanks for letting me know. You’re getting more distance AND more consistency, which is my hope for everyone. Keep us posted on your progress.

  8. carlos sandskaer says:

    Gratulerarverkligen god och gott!
    That is swedish for well done. CONGRATULATIONS!
    C. Sandskaer, SWEDEN

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Carlos. It’s great to hear in any language. Much appreciated.

  9. jgary says:

    Awesome, and congratulations on number two Eric!

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      JGary – Appreciate the note. It’s amazing to think of the 5 world champions and 4 hall-of-famers I had to get by just to make it into the finals. It’s nnice to think there’s still some mojo left in the swing.

  10. Tommy Dahl says:

    Congrats from TommyD in Winnipeg (Go Jets Go!). Really appreciated your ‘Road to the 2012’s’ story. I play our ‘Muni open’ every year (made the final weekend this year in the 1st flight – out of 300 golfers), and I’ll be using your prep tips next year. Hopefully our Canadian TSN will air the LD competition in Dec. I see you chose the Chevy Geek head and not the Mustang head. Just wondered if the Mustang head might have had more horsepower? Anway, great win, and please work on getting us some slo-mo vids of a variety of your swings with analysis. I think golfers would appreciate it.

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Tommy,
      Thanks for the note. Good idea on the slo-mo. I’ll have to figure out how to do that. Hope the tips and thoughts work for you as well. Cheers!

  11. Jeff says:

    Wonderful outcome for you Eric. Heartiest congratulations.

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Jeff,
      Thanks much for the comment. Hope you enjoyed the tips and videos. Cheers!