Journey to the Worlds: Mental Toughness and the Lion (pt 1)


5 Responses

  1. Bob Zimmerman says:

    I recognize that clubhead speed is what I need to generate distance off of the tee. I need you to tell me if your system is for me. I am 83 years old. I have been playing golf since 1936. I currently have a 14 handicap, it has been as low as 6. I have shot scores of my age or better 68 times. I am in better physical shape than most 83-year old men, but not as good as one in his 40’s. I’m always seeking to improve my golf game, can you help me?

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Bob,
      Thanks for the question. I can tell you right now you are my hero! I hope to be thinking about getting more distance when I am 83, and shooting my age 68 times or better. I should be asking you questions! Are you local? If so, get hold of me through the Pleasanton Golf Center and I’ll send you some info to try out.

  2. Nollie Swynnerton says:

    Interesting! Looking forward to future insights.
    Drew Garzillo, a young competitor in national Long Driving contests and a participant in the upcoming championship at Mesquite, goes to school here in San Antonio and works part-time at my club, on the range. Nice young man. He helped out in a Christian charity golf tournament here by driving for each team on a short par 4. It was a greater-than-320-yd carry over water and he did it with ease! I saw him take a few practice swings and I never heard a “swoosh” that loud! I’ve been in touch with Leith about the “secret driver” combination he’s working on, and I can hardly wait to see what you folks have learned. Good Luck with the healing process.

  3. Nollie Swynnerton says:

    Interesting! Looking forward to future insights.
    Drew Garzillo, a young competitor in national Long Driving contests and a participant in the upcoming championship at Mesquite, goes to school here in San Antonio and works part-time at my club, on the range. Nice young man. He helped out in a Christian charity golf tournament here by driving for each team on a short par 4. It was a greater-than-320-yd carry over water and he did it with ease! I saw him take a few practice swings and I never heard a “swoosh” that loud! I’ve bee in touch with Leith about the “secret driver” combination he’s working on, and I can hardly wait to see what you folks have learned. Good Luck with the healing process.

  4. Vickie Kelly says:

    Hi Eric,

    Sorry to hear about your injured shoulder. Sounds like you are doing all the right things though. I like what your friend/mentor is saying though. It makes a lot of sense. Look forward to hearing more about what he tells you.

    Take care,
    Vickie Kelly