Journey to the Worlds: Regional Long Drive Championship Results

3 Responses

  1. Polly says:

    Super Cool big Bro!…. Love the journey journal and website….
    Good Luck to you… We will be cheering for you!
    have some fun along the way!

  2. Daniel says:

    Where you taking the video by yourself while driving ? Either brave or crazy! You must have been relaxed to record a video while at the competition.

    Good luck at the World’s

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Thanks Daniel!
      Actually it was really distracting to think about making the videos during the competition. I didn’t have anybody there to help me film. All my long drive buddies had to be concerned about their own aspects of the competition. So that’s why you didn’t get to see any shots of me on the tee. I get pretty focused when I’m getting ready for my turn on the tee. After a set you have to quickly find out where you stand because sometimes you can be right back up on the tee. Sometimes you have an hour to wait. When I knew I had plenty of time until my next set I was able to get some videos. The drive up was no problem. I was feeling pretty good after the competition, so the drive back was a snap!