Armchair Golf Pro: Bridgestone, Mahan, Tiger, Mental Toughness

2 Responses

  1. Sean Marquez says:

    Hello Eric,
    I purchased your e-book “5 keys to distance” and I have been using it over the past few months. However, ever since you launched this new blog site, everytime I click on the videos of the drills, it re-routes me to your new Target Centered Golf site and tells me it cannot locate what I’m looking for. It’s quite frustrating. Please advise asap.

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Sean,
      I tested the links this morning and didn’t have a problem. Would you try it in your browser again, and then send me the browser address you are using to get to the drills (the address before you get redirected)? Send me a note at helpdesk @ Eric