Performance Metrics 4: Scorecard Analysis 2

3 Responses

  1. Eric Larsen says:

    Having some confusion on what three different drills to use when working on ” Swing Preformance Measures” and B.L.A.S.T. segments. Is there a list of how to drills? Why try to invent the wheel if someone has done it. Checking center contact just powder the back of the ball.

    • Eric Jones, MA, PGA says:

      Hi Eric – The last key component of distance in the BLAST sequence is Target. That is your performance metric. The rest of the drills are designed to help you with your swing technique. There is a difference between working on swing technique and performance. Working on swing technique improves performance, but only over time. Working on performance metrics, like center contact and number of fairways hit, is about getting better today, using the swing you currently have. The best practice combines both approaches – performance, and swing mechanics. Hope this helps!

  2. Bob says:

    Great feedback. I am going to start using this to improve by mid-summer. This look like a great tool.
