Category: Equipment & Fitness
Equipment and Fitness related videos, articles, training aids and links.
I’ve had a number of comments and requests for info about the golf club equipment I used at the 2012 World Long Drive Championship. Here’s the skinny: My basic configuration was the six degree Geek Golf “No Brainer” driver head, with...
If you want to play golf a long time, avoid injury, and consistently play to your highest potential some sort of fitness regimen is a must, and a golf-tailored fitness program is even better. Long before fitness was made a...
I cornered golf fitness guru Randy Meyers and asked him how I could put together a simple exercise station without much room and without costing a mint.
All golf club shafts are not created equal. Even identical-looking shafts from the same company, with the same frequency and flex specification, can vary significantly in performance. Here’s an interview with shaft company House of Forged founder Robert Kent.
In this video we take a quick look inside a club building shop and watch as we drill out the remains of the shaft in the old head and prep a new shaft. Club building is an art as much as it is a science.
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