Performance Metrics 1: Results-Focused Golf

7 Responses

  1. jim dingman says:

    Mr. Jones: Still working on balance. My direction is greatly improved and I hit most of the fairways.
    My turn is getting better and my trajectory is getting better. My Irons have become a little longer but still short as I would like? Thank you for the way you deliver the training. Jim Dingman

  2. jim dingman says:

    Mr. Jones: Wish to thank you as your remarks in the newsletter have improved my ball con-tack has improved greatly. My shots are for the most in the middle. I am reaching the greens with Irons and getting on par 5’s in regulation. I can’t thank you enough. Two steel hip’s Jim

  3. wynn says:

    3 putts have killed some otherwise good rounds. I have been keeping track of number of putts but not the distances. Thanks for the tip.

  4. Don says:

    Excellent Post!! Goals are very important, whether it’s getting stronger in your golf workouts, improving something on the practice range, or lower your overall score on the course. I think one of the mistakes golfers make besides not having goals is not knowing where they are presently. By tracking their game the way you described they get a true picture of where they are, not where they think they are.

  1. 2012-05-13

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