The 5th Key To Consistency is Tempo

8 Responses

  1. Damon says:

    I got “5 keys” in 2010, & every yr I refer back to the “Bible” b/c I get into old bad habits like the “over the top” move. I really felt that 2013 was my over the hump yr but have pressed too hard & had to go back to the fundamentals for consistency. What a difference when follow the rules. Each yr it gets easier & easier. At the point am working on the mental game now via Glen Albaugh.

  2. Harold Pohoresky says:

    Hi Eric,

    Excellent point about relating grip pressure to tempo. Thank you for this as I never thought of nor knew how to keep a constant grip pressure throughout the swing. You are absolutely right so I have learned after trying tis technique of swinging to a beat. Always happy to learn something new.

    On another point about tempo I was taught the tick tock drill and focus on tick (left shoulder under chin) and tock (right shoulder under the chin. This way tempo relates to the whole swing not just to -address (1) – backswing(2) – top(3)- and (4) impact as in your drill.

    I always enjoy what youhave to say. You are one of the best teachersof the golf swing out there. But maybe people do not know this because you always portray/market yourself as mainly a long distance driver thereby short changing your audience onwhat you have to say about the whole golf swing. You really bring a lot of valuable insights to the game and what you say applies not only to drives but all swings with irons (differences noted).

    Thank you Eric and keep em comin!


  3. Andrew Leach says:

    I recommend reading Tour Tempo and downloading the Tour Tempo app to practice tempo on the range.

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